Reassurances and Key Facts About Genital Herpes and Cold Sores

  • Herpes simplex causes a viral skin condition known as cold sores (on face), whitlows (on fingers) or 'herpes' on genitals or other skin areas.
  • As many as one in three adults has the virus that causes genital herpes.
  • Around 80% of people infected with genital herpes don't know they have the herpes virus because they have very mild symptoms or none at all.
  • 75% of people who have genital herpes get it from people who are entirely unaware that they have HSV-1 or HSV-2 themselves.
  • The emotional impact of being diagnosed with genital herpes is often much more significant than the physical symptoms themselves.
  • Facial herpes, also known as cold sores (HSV-1), is commonly transmitted to the genitals through oral to genital contact. Up to 50% of genital herpes is caused by the facial cold sore type (HSV-1) of herpes simplex.
  • The symptoms of genital herpes vary enormously. It can show up as blisters or sores, but it can also just produce a mild rash. And whatever symptoms do appear may be on the thighs, back, fingers, and of course the genitals.
  • There is effective treatment available if symptoms are problematic.
  • Daily medication, known as suppressive therapy, can prevent recurrences and reduce the risk of transmission to partners. 
  • The virus can be passed on when there are no symptoms present. 
  • Using condoms reduces the risk of passing on the herpes virus, but doesn't completely eliminate it.
  • Having genital herpes is not associated with causing cervical cancer.

Resources on Genital Herpes

You can download our patient pamphlets in PDF form:

Genital Herpes - The Facts

Genital Herpes - Myths vs Facts 

New Zealand residents can also order print copies of these patient pamphlets for free, by filling out the consumer request form here